• Platform Angle Right by Iconscout from Unicons - https://iconscout.com/unicons
  • CLI


Lade provides a command-line interface (CLI) to deploy and manage your applications.


Lade is supported on MacOS, Linux, and Windows as a standalone binary. You can download the latest binary from the releases page on GitHub.


You can install with Homebrew:

brew install lade-io/tap/lade


You can download the latest tarball, extract and move to your $PATH:

curl -L https://github.com/lade-io/lade/releases/latest/download/lade-linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar xz
sudo mv lade /usr/local/bin

Getting Started

You can log in to your Lade account:

$ lade login
Enter your Lade credentials:
? Username or email: myuser
? Password: ************
Logged in as myuser

You can create a Lade app:

$ lade apps create myapp

You can deploy your Lade app in the current directory:

$ lade deploy --app myapp

Command Help

You can view help for any Lade command:

$ lade help
  lade - Manage your Lade resources

  lade [command]

  addons      Manage addons
  apps        Manage apps
  deploy      Deploy an app
  domains     Manage domains
  env         Manage app environment
  help        Help about any command
  login       Login to your Lade account
  logout      Logout of your Lade account
  logs        Show logs from an app
  plans       List available plans
  ps          Display running tasks
  regions     List available regions
  run         Run a command on an app
  scale       Scale an app

  -h, --help      Print help message
  -v, --version   Print version and exit

Use "lade [command] --help" for more information about a command.