• Languages Angle Right by Iconscout from Unicons - https://iconscout.com/unicons
  • Go


Lade officially supports deploying Go applications.

Supported Versions

The following Go versions are supported and receive security updates:

  • 1.24
  • 1.23

Supported Package Managers

The following package managers are supported:

Go App Detection

Lade detects your app as a Go app if one of the following files is present in the root directory:

  1. A Gopkg.toml file to be managed by dep
  2. A glide.yaml file to be managed by glide
  3. A Godeps/Godeps.json file to be managed by godep
  4. A go.mod file to be managed by go modules
  5. A vendor/vendor.json file to be managed by govendor

Specifying a Go Version

You can specify the Go version for compiling your code in your go.mod file:

go 1.23